(206) 351-5607
Facilitated by Joseph Anderson
This workshop is a hands-on, practical experience of the key capability for team effectiveness: non-judgmental, present-moment awareness.
Number of participants: 5-25 people who collaborate together
Duration: Minimum of 90 minutes, up to a half or full day, depending on issues being worked on. The session may be preceded by a brief (20-30 minute) introduction to mindfulness practice.
Team Readiness: The Elephant Process can operate at varying degrees of intensity depending on the specific distraction being addressed. Working with relatively minor distractions at first may be useful to introduce the process and demonstrate its benefits before proceeding to more significant issues.
Who should participate: Anyone affected by the distracting circumstance is free to participate. The process is structured enough to be effective with groups with significant misalignment or conflict.
What to focus on:
Joe Anderson, designer and facilitator of Taming the Elephant in the Room, is a consultant, coach and trainer who helps teams achieve effectiveness through human skills like mindfulness and emotional intelligence. For 25 years he has been on the front lines of technology delivery leading program, product, and dev teams. Through both painful and delightful experiences, he has seen that the single most important factor in effective delivery is human skills - and this is especially true on complex, cross-functional initiatives. When alignment and communication break down, lots of bad things can happen. But when teams have strong human skills, they break through adversity and achieve success.
Read more about Joe here.
Joseph H Anderson Consulting, LLC
Seattle, WA
(206) 351-5607
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